Friday 9 January 2015

The pretty little truth

I've been watching pretty little liars since last summer. As soon as I watched the first episode, I was hooked. There were so many unanswered questions and I just wanted to know more. 

Now since they have just come back from their mid-season break I thought I would do a little review on the whole show.

The four main girls. Spencer is on the left. The blonde is Hanna. In the middle is Aria. Emily is on the right.

Pretty little liars or PLL is based around a group of five girls from a small town called rosewood. The four main girls are, Aria, Hanna, Emily and Spencer. They are all high school students and a very closely knit group of friends. The 'leader' of the group, Alison, goes missing one summer. 
Then an anonymous source starts to send the girls messages about all they're secrets, that only Alison knew. Signed with -A. 
A for anonymous or A for Alison. Who knows?
The show is mostly about the girls trying to find out who A is with some great side story lines which I love.
I won't say anymore because I don't want to give anything away!

The show is gripping and intense, they always know how to keep the audience on the edge of their seats.  being left on cliffhangers almost every episode, only making the audience want more and wanting answers. I know for sure I always want the answers to the questions. 

The couples in this show are so adorable. I love all of their relationships and how they are all different.

Aria and Ezra. My otp. 
They're adorable!

The one bad thing I would say about the show is there are still unanswered question from the first season that until now still haven't been answered. I really hope they have some sort of idea to reveal the answers in a sort of shocking way. I think that would be better than just being told the answers. 
Also the show may start off a little slow and it may be a little hard to get into, but if you stick with it you'll end up obsessed with it.   

Being half way through their fifth  season pretty little liars is doing incredibly well and it's popularity is still forever growing. I have always liked how they still keep the show suspenseful because I know it can sometimes be hard to do without it getting boring.   

As I carry on watching this show I just love it even more. You can really see the character development throughout all the episodes let alone from season one to five. I love all of the actors/ actresses, I really think they play their roles all too well. The four main girls are amazing actors as well, I couldn't think of better people to play these parts. 
My favourite character is Aria. I like how she's different and I lover her personality. Lucy Hale plays her incredibly well. 

Aria played by Lucy Hale.

I don't really have a bad thing to say about this show, it's my favourite and I don't think there will be a day when it isn't. I just hope they answer all the question before the show really comes to an end. 

I really really adore the message of this show. Or the message I get from this show. Which is friendship is everything. I relate to this show a lot, not in the way that my life is being tormented by A. In the way that friendship is such an important factor in life. All the girls have such great chemistry and I love seeing that. 
As a media student I can really tell when actors/actresses don't get along behind the scenes. I can really tell all the crew are really good friends. Being a fan of all of them, that's amazing to see on screen. 

If you haven't watched this show I strongly recommend you give it a watch. Not only does it have an amazing story line but it is amazingly made also.

All five seasons can be show can be found on the UK netflix. I'm sure it's also on the US netflix. 

Go watch it!

Thanks for reading!

Jay x

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